"Gourmet" Heirloom Soup Beans
Could Well Be The World's Best Tasting Super-Food!

And... Makes A Great "Warm The Heart" Gift...

"Simple To Use" Soup Bean "Super-Food" Nourishes The Body And Warms The Heart
Best Part: These Premium Quality Heirloom Soup Beans Are Hand-Packed By Our Family
Dear Friend,
I want to tell about one of the great "forgotten" foods.
I'm talking about... naturally grown (non-GMO of course) ... heirloom beans. Not only are they a must-have home spun food, but they're also a major money-stretcher when budgets are lean. And to my knowledge, there is no natural food on the planet that delivers so much nutrition for so little cost.
Here's what I mean:
Heirloom beans are also rich in nutrients that also play key roles in immune function. For example, heirloom beans contain bio-available zinc as well as quercetin which is a zinc ionophore. Ionophores such as quercetin are specialized “transport systems” that carry zinc across the cell membrane where it plays an important role in viral repression.
Heirloom beans are also rich in bio-available calcium, vitamin K, manganese, vitamin c and fiber to name just a few nutritional benefits.

Heirloom beans are a great source of bio-available calcium!
But even more important... You simply can't ignore the flavor of the heirloom varieties. It's another story altogether. Frankly, for most Americans, "dried beans" from the grocery store are horribly bland and pretty darn boring. And, unfortunately, many people never learn to like beans at all because... they've never tasted fresh heirloom beans. That's what happens when you're forced to settle I suppose.
This Is The Ultimate Heirloom Soup Bean Kit!
Despite the existence of over 15,000 bean varieties in the world today, only a handful of them ever make it to your local grocery store.
And interestingly...
The dried beans that do make it to the grocery stores usually sit around in storage silos for years before they make it to the store shelves.
And even then... chances are... those “Big-Ag” beans are the ones you’ve tasted and hated. That’s because the vast majority of beans that really taste great aren’t suited for the brute-force, industrialized farm-to-market techniques large commercial farmers use today.
What you’re left with then, are a handful of “Pesticide-Herbicide Ready” bean varieties that can handle the harsh treatment that passes for farming today. They may make it to market cheaply enough… but they taste like paper when they get there!

Big-Ag "grocery store beans" are often stored for years before they are packaged for retail sales.

Nutrition is great, but every parent knows that kids have to actually like the "nutritious food" in order for it to be healthy. That's where Heirloom Beans come in!
So, if we were going to sell dried heirloom beans for soups, I wanted them to be the absolute best beans in the world. And, not only did I want the absolute freshest beans available (because of the shelf life issues) but they also would have to be...
The Best Tasting Beans In The World Today. Period.
And after quite a search by our international seed buyer, we finally found what we think are best the heirloom beans available in the world today. We’ve stocked up on some of these beans for ourselves and now we’re offering this remarkable bean stock to our friends and customers in a very special bean package we’re calling simply...
The Heirloom Soup Bean Kit!
Here’s the story:
We found these rare heirloom beans on a farm in California’s Sacramento Valley, grown by a farmer whom we’ve fondly nicknamed “The Bean Doctor.”
The Bean Doctor is not a traditional farmer. He’s a little quirky, a little secretive and he only grows rare heirloom beans, with rich cultural histories going back hundreds of years. I’ve never seen a grower whose “heart is in it” like this guy. He isn’t just a farmer, he’s also a historian, anthropologist, and explorer all rolled into one.

The bean doctor's goal is making heirloom beans available for future generations.
And Why The Heck Are Five-Star Chefs From All Over The United States Lining Up And Almost Begging For These Heirloom Beans?
The answer lies in their extraordinary flavor.
From a culinary perspective, the heirloom beans we’ve put together in the new "Gourmet Soup Bean Kit" are truly exceptional. In fact, I don’t believe you will find any beans on the planet with better taste!

Until now, rare, premium heirloom beans have only been available to top chefs.
These “Premium Quality” Heirloom Beans Are Simply Not Available To The Public...
Unless You Know Someone "Well Connected" In The Bean World
And of course you can forget about ever finding beans like this in local grocery stores. These heirloom beans require far too much coddling to make them profitable for the giant food conglomerates that control most of the country’s food production.
Here’s the story:
And because heirloom beans are native to the Americas, they surpass non-native crops when it comes to the uptake of minerals and other soil nutrients. That’s what we think makes them so flavorful and nutrient-dense. They’re also better at resisting native climate stresses, pests, and diseases, and are more sustainable in the long run.
The Bean Doctor is always on the lookout for old, forgotten strains. When he finds a likely candidate, he takes it back to his farm and grows some for himself. At any given season, he’s growing 40 or 50 different heirloom bean varieties. (As far as we know, he’s the only farmer in the world who does anything like this.)
Why "Freshest Heirloom Beans" Are The Only Choice For Making Gourmet Soups As Well As Holiday Meals!

"Bean By Bean" book (shown above) not included but available at checkout
By the way, freshness has a huge impact on bean preparation time. If you’ve prepared store-bought dried beans before, you know how long it takes. You have to soak them for at least 6-12 hours, sometimes even longer.
But not the beans in the Gourmet Soup Bean Kit. You’ll find soaking time is greatly
reduced, down to about 4 hours. Same goes with cooking time – it only takes an hour or two at most, unless you choose a slow-cooking method like a Crock-pot or solar oven.

Heirloom beans require less soaking time!
Heirloom beans can be a great "crunch-time" super food!
These Highly Sought After Heirloom Bean Varieties Will Turn You Into An Off-The-Grid Gourmet!
In every Gourmet Soup Bean Kit, you get one pound of each of the ten different varieties of heirloom beans listed below. It’s a given that these beans are a nutritional powerhouse. But these beans go far beyond that. These specific heirloom beans varieties were carefully selected based on taste profiles, beauty and other culinary properties.

1. Christmas Limas (1 pound)
Christmas Limas were brought to this country around 1840 from Peru. They are sometimes called “calicos” and are a variety of the traditional Lima except they are bigger and really don’t taste like traditional Lima Beans. They have beautiful patterns and release a more buttery and nutty flavor than an ordinary Lima Bean. The texture is also different, described by many as chestnut. (In fact, they are called Chestnut Limas by some.) You could say the Christmas Lima has all the rich protein and complex carbohydrate properties of regular nutritionally-rich Limas, but with a rich… even luxurious taste that makes this bean a delight… even for those folks who think they hate Lima beans. Christmas Limas also hold their original colors well after cooking which always makes presentation fun. Make a hearty "cold weather" stew with these gorgeous beans and you’ll change the way folks in your family think about Limas forever. Truth is, you’ll put the “lima nay-sayers” in a very merry mood indeed! Lots of uses for this nutritious bean.

2. Cranberry "Borlotti" Bean (1 Pound)
Cranberry beans have a long and very rich history. Both in terms of growing and cooking. Long thought to have originated from South America thousands of years ago. Grown by indigenous peoples as a protein source and appreciated as a disease resistant variety. These heirloom beans were then “discovered” by Portuguese traders and moved throughout much of the known world.
My wife’s grandfather’s family brought these beautiful cranberry beans West when they came from Vermont to Illinois in the early 1830s. This near the end of Blackhawk’s hegemony in these parts. The Italians have always placed a premium on these beans, hence their name borlotti.
The French have also used these soup beans extensively in various dishes with a lot of rich sauces.

3. Green Flageolet (1 Pound)
Any gourmand worthy of his or her apron has nothing but praise for the Green Flageolet. Foodies everywhere regard this little-known heirloom bean as the “caviar of beans.” It’s a real delicacy, and usually very hard to find.
Unless you frequent gourmet food stores and comb through specialty cooking catalogs, you’ve probably never seen them for sale. Their delicate, creamy flavor belies their hardiness – they won’t fall apart in the cooking process! Use them in soups and stews, but make sure to try them in cold salads, too. The Green Flageolet has the odd ability to retain chlorophyll longer than any other bean, even after cooking, hence the name.
This bean has a lot of nutrients, like copper, iron, magnesium, potassium and B9 just to name a few.

4. Canario "Mayocoba" Bean (1 Pound)
This gorgeous yellow bean is said to have been originally grown in Peru. Archaeologists discovered the original “yellow beans” in a cave in the Peruvian Andes. They then dated the beans to a time before the Incas. The bean’s present name comes from a town in Mexico which is in the fertile Rio Fuerte valley.
Today these beans are grown in Mexico as well as California. Mayocobas are also very popular in Belize where I live part time. Chefs in Mexico and Belize use Mayocoba beans to create refried bean dishes that are ultra-creamy.
The bean’s flavor is buttery and because it has a relatively thin skin, Mayocobas tend to absorb and hold surrounding flavors well. Healthy too, high in protein and fiber.

5. Jacob's Red Lentils (1 Pound)
The story of Esau and Jacob is well known throughout the world:
“Once when Jacob was cooking some stew, Esau came in from the open country, famished. He said to Jacob, “Quick, let me have some of that red stew! I’m famished!” That is why he was also called Edom. Jacob replied, “First sell me your birth right.” “Look, I am about to die,” Esau said. “What good is the birth right to me?” But Jacob said, “Swear to me first.” So he swore an oath to him, selling his birth right to Jacob. Then Jacob gave Esau some bread and some lentil stew. He ate and drank, and then got up and left.
Jacob’s “red lentils” are packed with healthy polyphenols which might even reduce some heart risks. Further, red lentils can also slow sugar digestion, which ultimately reduces blood glucose levels making red lentils a nice option for diabetics.
Jacobs’s Red Lentils have a sweet taste and do not need to be soaked like beans which means they can be prepared in minutes. Red lentils are the absolute fastest lentil variety to cook and serve.

6. Red Adzuki (1 Pound)
Looks like an ordinary red bean… but it’s definitely not!
The amazing red adzuki bean is indeed ancient and was first domesticated in the rich, fertile valleys below the Himalayas. It has been enjoyed in the orient for thousands of years including China and Korea. Adzuki beans are also incredible popularity in Japan and only the soy bean is eaten more there. Adzuki beans are a great source of zinc, calcium, fiber and essential fatty acids as well as polyphenols and phytochemicals. There are even studies showing an extract from this extraordinary bean may delay the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Other studies demonstrate the inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties of adzuki beans. The flavor is distinctly sweet and nutty making this bean extremely versatile. Texture can be controlled by cooking times and temperatures. Flavor can be amplified with garlic, onions and other aromatics.

7. Black Valentine (1 Pound)
The Black Valentine heirloom bush variety is an older bean, not introduced commercially until the turn of the century by Peter Henderson in 1897. Like some other bush beans, the Black Valentine is a great soup bean as well as superb as a fresh snap bean when picked early. A very hardy grower too, the dried beans are jet black. They then turn a bit purple when cooked. It’s a tender and tasty bean that has a slightly nutty flavor and a nice “meaty” texture. They have a light, thin skin that allows its flavors to mix with your aromatics and create a delicious bean broth. Because they are a thin-skinned bean, the Black Valentines work nicely with rice. Juice from the bean flavors the rice. Black Valentines never turn mushy either. Black beans contain a wide variety of flavonoids that help control fat metabolism, bio-available magnesium to aid with protein synthesis and the rare-earth molybdenum which helps cells produce energy.

8. Orca (1 Pound)
Any bean named after a killer whale sure better have a killer taste. Orcas fit that bill as a rich, creamy tasting bean with a smooth texture as well as an extraordinary nutritional profile.
Heirloom Orcas are actually a type of kidney bean but with contrasting, “can’t-miss” black and white colors that resemble those of a killer whale. Even better, Orcas hold their color well after cooking, making them a great choice for casseroles, chili and chili related sides.
Orcas double in size as a result of cooking and keep their visually stunning appearance. Heirloom Orca beans are also a great source of antioxidants and bio-available minerals. Warning: while they may be colored like the famous killer whales… they actually look more like small ponies. Heirloom Orca beans have a Caribbean origin and have been traced back as far as 400 years.

9. Aztec Cave Beans (1 Pound)
It is said that an Archaeologist in the 50s found a clay vessel with several of these mysterious beans which were estimated to be 750 years old… and got them to sprout! Cliff dwelling Indians later named the bean Anasazi which means “the ancient ones” in Navajo. This dazzling and speckled “burgundy bean” is highly prized not just in the in the desert Southwest, but in all of Latin America. They do turn slightly pinkish when cooked and are the bean of choice for hearty stews. Interestingly, these ancient heirlooms take only two-thirds the time to cook and have much less gas-causing properties than most beans. Full of bio-available potassium and folate as well as protein and fiber, the Aztec Cave bean is also one of the best tasting beans on the planet. Some say they look like Jacobs Cattle heirlooms, but make no mistake, these are not Jacobs Cattle heirloom beans. They may look similar, but are half the size of Jacobs Cattle beans. Additionally, Jacobs Cattle are a bush variety and Aztec Cave beans are a pole bean.
10. “Butter” Cannellini (1 Pound)
These butter flavored cannellini beans have a very distinct taste even though they look like a kidney bean with respect to shape. Seriously, these white beans look boring on the surface but are guaranteed to make your taste buds smile! They cook up with a very real, nutty, buttery flavor and a nice tender texture.
Butter Cannellini beans are said to be originally from South America but this particular “butter” variety comes from Italy where they are used extensively in Minestrones. They are often used in stews and salads because they retain their texture and shape. Butter Cannellini’s look pretty and plump after preparation, making them a chef’s “go to” bean.
The high fiber and beneficial protein content of these beans may help support digestion, muscle mass and even body weight.
*Important for 2023: We are again in a very real "premium heirloom bean" shortage this year. This means we may have to substitute varieties if supplies of a particular bean become exhausted. If substitutions are made, all Gourmet Soup Bean Kits will contain the same amount of heirloom soup beans. (One pound per variety and ten pounds total.)

Easy To Make And Extremely Delicious Heirloom Bean Stew
Top Restaurants Charge Up To $250 For A Mere Handful Of These Rare Beans... But You Can Now Add Them To Your Pantry For Pennies On The Dollar!
Premium heirloom beans have been showing up on the menu of exclusive restaurants all across the country… but you won’t have to wait for a table or pay hundreds of dollars a head when you have your own supply of these rare heirloom beans.

Top Restaurants Charge Up To $250 For A Mere Handful Of These Rare Beans... But You Can Now Add Them To Your Pantry For Pennies On The Dollar!
$500 for beans for two people? Whoa! But don’t worry, you won’t pay anywhere near that for your heirloom beans. We worked every connection and pulled every string we had to get access to these high-end beans, and as a result, the Gourmet Soup Bean Kit is the single best buy anywhere for hand-picked, fresh heirloom beans grown from finest seed stock in the world.
And there’s simply no other super-food that’s so nutritious and delicious. When you order your kit, you get 10 different varieties of beans for a total of 10 pounds of highly sought after, hard-to-find heirloom beans. And it costs only $189.95 (plus $17.95 shipping and handling).
Whether you cook them the day you get them, or save some for later in the year, no other super-food will ever taste as good. After all, what other five-star restaurant food can you put on the shelf for years, and still have it taste as good as the day you bought it?
Plus... Right Now...
You Also Get These Five Bonuses
Digital Video Bonus #1
"Soup Bean Basics"
Cooking With Heirloom Beans - Online Course
The first bonus is a “for your eyes only” video we made in Hanne’s Kitchen… where Brian and Hanne reveal all the little tricks, tactics and techniques that Hanne uses to make healthy meals with heirloom beans. It’s a special opportunity to look at the hands-on basics of little known, old world... "self-reliance cooking" with heirloom beans and heirloom bean recipes. Hanne and Brian will show you how to instantly take beans from the box and turn them “in a pinch” into a great tasting meal the whole family will wolf down with a smile. There’s a few “bean cooking” videos out there, but nothing comes close to this. Great heirloom bean recipes included.

Hanne and Brian teach you the basics of preparing great tasting meals with amazing heirloom beans recipes. You'll learn how to maximize heirloom bean nutrition and taste and do it in minimum time.
It's worth at least thirty bucks and probably more.
Digital Video Bonus #2
"Soup Bean Magic"
Gourmet Cooking With Heirloom Beans Online Course

Brian and Keith discuss how to use heirloom soup beans to easily create extraordinary meals that are packed with nutritional density. Learn how to cook heirloom beans in new and remarkable ways.
We also wanted you to be able to take your Gourmet Soup Bean Kit and create several exotic dishes anytime you wanted to... at a moment's notice. So here's what we've done: You probably know who Keith Snow is. Keith is, without a doubt, the single best "wild harvest" cook in the U.S. Period. He can take almost any food item from the garden or pantry and instantly whip up the most mouth-watering dishes you can imagine. Plus, you'll learn how to cook with heirloom bean blend soup recipes too.
In fact, Keith has won his vast international fan base precisely because he has proven, over and over again that...
Gourmet Cooking With Heirloom Beans Is Easier Than You May Have Thought!
When you have his secrets, that is. Anyway, for years Keith has been teaching Wild Harvest-Heirloom Bean cooking and preparation techniques and we've finally convinced him to let us video what we're calling "Soup Bean Magic." Magic as in you're shocked something is so delicious and healthy comes from so little effort. And Keith makes it happen fast too.
Soup Bean Magic is like having Keith come over and stay with you for the afternoon, to teach you all his best heirloom bean cooking secrets and heirloom bean recipes. (A pretty amazing image considering Keith's always crazy, "booked solid" schedule.)
I don't know why we didn't ask Keith to do his "Soup Bean Magic" video before, but we've finally got it produced and we're finally releasing it. But only as part of the Gourmet Soup Bean Kit.
Soup Bean Magic is also worth an easy $30.00 if you could buy it. It comes with your Gourmet Soup Bean Kit.
Special E-Book Bonus #3
The Bean Cookbook

Saving Money And Eating Better With Dried Bean Basics
In this 190 page bonus E-book, the Northarvest Bean Growers Association explain in easy to understand language, how to fast and cook effectively with dried beans. As they say in the book... “cooking dried beans doesn’t take a lot of time, but it does take timing.” From a practical standpoint, making high-protein meals which add a nutrient rich array of minerals and vitamins as well as fiber to your diet all while saving money on your grocery bill, just makes good sense. The instructions in the book are designed to help you master the use of dried beans in cooking quickly and easily. Also has some interesting stuff on the history of beans and plenty of easy to use heirloom bean recipes.
A $10.00 Value
Special Audio Podcast Bonus #4
"Heirloom Beans As Backup"

Why Heirloom Beans Are The Perfect
Emergency Food Backup
We also have an important "bean interview" with Sara Pitzer, the author of "Cooking with Dried Beans." In the interview we cover all aspects of cooking with dried beans as I picked Sara's brain for every jot and tittle of accumulated wisdom and experience in using dried beans. We talk about why beans make the perfect "back-up food" as well as how to use beans to save on your grocery bill. This is critical bean information that you absolutely want to know if you're interested in using beans as an "emergency" food.
A $10.00 Value
Special E-Book Bonus #5
"Pulses: Cooking With Beans, Peas, Lentils And Chickpeas"

A $3.95 Value
Plus... Get $60 Off Today Too!
Okay, Here's What You Should Do Right Now...
Order Your
Gourmet Soup Bean
Kit Today!
Your gourmet soup bean kit includes ten - one pound packages - of premium heirloom beans.

"Bean By Bean" book (shown above) not included but available at checkout
More and more people are discovering the tremendous taste of heirloom beans, and supplies are going fast. Here's what to do right now: Lock in your supply of great heirloom soup beans. Only one farm in the entire country grows the beans for this special combination package, and once the most recent harvest is sold out, it will be months (next harvest) until more become available.
If you're already a bean lover... the Gourmet Soup Bean Kit will take your enjoyment to a whole new level. If you were indifferent to beans before, you'll be glad you gave these a try. And if you've never eaten beans before, why not start with the very best?
For the absolute fastest service, click the "add to cart" button below.
Bon appetit,
Donna Peterson
Heirloom Soup Beans
P.S. Sometimes folks ask us how long you can store soup beans. Dried heirloom soup beans can be stored for up to 25 years if stored properly (kept cool and carefully sealed). That said, there are many variables that can affect ideal storage conditions.
P.P.S. Please know that it's becoming very difficult to keep these and other heirloom beans in stock right now. Just a heads-up... bean growers tell us that premium bean inventories will continue to be tight through 2023. Thanks!
Claim Your Gourmet
Soup Bean Kit Today!
Regular Price: $189.95
Today's Sale Price: $129.95
Plus $17.95 Shipping & Handling

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Powerful Living
Attn. Gourmet Soup Bean Kit
2200 IL Route 84
P.O. Box 361
Thomson, IL 61285